Grand Cayman

Our first dive day was in Grand Cayman. When the ships come in, they really come in!

The dive operation was Diver's Down, a short walk from the tender landing.

Some of our group was booked to Stingray City. Unfortunately, high winds prevented diving there this day. Instead, we all went together in two vans to the leeward side. A little crowded on the dive boat, but it all worked out. It was a great group.

(Our companions were very friendly and accommodating which went a long way towards making this a great vacation.)

We're finally here! NO WIND!

Jump in, the water is fine.

We all head for the bottom

Where we are greeted by a large snapper and...

...some French Grunts, and ....

... some of the beautiful sponges that Cayman is famous for.

Who needs tanks....

Don't ya hate show-offs? Yes, we had some very experienced divers along with us on the 2006 Scubacruise. Our group of mixed experience made it all the more enjoyable.

The second dive site was called Spanish Anchor, an ancient artifact dated to the 1700's.

Here it is!

Look real hard. Not as exciting as it sounds, eh?

Lot's of small fish made this dive memorable: chromis, foureyed butterfly fish, wrasse, yellow tang....

This longspine squirrelfish didn't want to be bothered, but we took it's picture anyway.

At some depth, we found a garden of eels and a lone Cero on patrol.

And we snapped one last shot, this lizardfish, before starting our ascent.